Beginning Myofascial Release Massage Video on DVD or Streaming Version - Real Bodywork
Streaming Version
We have partnered with Real Bodyworks to offer a streaming version. Please click here to purchase the streaming version (you’ll be redirected to their website).
Explore the magic of Myofascial Release in this beautiful 75-minute video. Myofascial Release is an excellent tool to help free restrictions, increase range of motion and balance structural distortions. It is a great adjunct to Deep Tissue massage, gets great results, and is easily integrated into your current treatment protocol.
This video has 7 lessons that include:
Basic anatomy & physiology of fascia, How to perform Myofascial Release, Experiencing fascia in your own body, Releasing the superficial fascia, Skin rolling and evaluation, Scar release techniques, Kinesthetic joint evaluation, Leg and arm pulls, The anterior, posterior & lateral fascial lines, Cross handed stretches, Transverse diaphragm releases.
DYNAMIC CHIROPRACTIC rates this dvd: "10 out of 10"
Sean Riehl has taught massage nationally, presented at the AMTA California conference, written multiple articles appearing in Massage Magazine and the Biotone Newsletter as well as being the author of a number of DVDs on massage.