Positional Release Massage Video on DVD & Streaming Version - Real Bodywork
Streaming Version
We have partnered with Real Bodyworks to offer a streaming version. Please click here to purchase the streaming version (you’ll be redirected to their website).
Positional Release therapy is an excellent way to release hyper-sensitive tissue easily and quickly. Similar to Orthobionomy, Strain Counter-Strain, and Neuromuscular Re-Education, this technique uses the body’s nervous system to remind the muscles to relax. The technique consists of precise positioning and the use of a monitor point to relax the muscle in an effortless way. This comprehensive DVD shows how to release the most common dysfunctions with ease and skill.
INSTRUCTOR: Diana Haynes has been practicing various forms of bodywork for over 30 years. She brings her technical skill and clear teaching style to this great DVD! See an interview with Diana Haynes here.
Introduction 18:32
1 introduction
2 history
3 how it works
4 basic technique
5 summary
Evaluation 9:06
1 standing evaluation
2 table evaluation
Shoulder & Arm 44:30
1 tendon location
2 supraspinatus
3 subscapularis
4 infaspinatus
5 teres major
6 coracoid process
7 serratus anterior
8 pectoralis major
9 bicipital groove
10 deltoid
11 rhomboids
12 the arm & hand
Spine 22:40
1 thoracic spine
2 quadratus lumborum
3 lumbar spine
Pelvis & Leg 36:28
1 long and short leg
2 the sacrum
3 the knee
4 hamstring strain
5 the ankle
Neck 27:36
1 lateral neck
2 posterior neck
3 anterior neck
Integration 17:33
1 session A
2 session B
3 session C
About Instructor Diana Haynes
Diana has been practicing various forms of bodywork for over 30 years. She has over 1000 hours of training and has been teaching for over 20 years in a wide range of massage topics, including swedish, therapeutic, deep tissue, neuromuscular, sports, myofascial, lymphatic, anatomy, pathology, healing trauma etc. Diana believes that Positional Release is the single most effective technique that can take away pain in the hyper-sensitive area away in a minute. Each of us have a nature to position our body in a relieving posture. She brings her technical skill and clear teaching style to this great DVD.