Spearmint Essential Oil
Highly Recommended
For over three decades, Best of Nature massage and aromatherapy oils have been trusted by wellness professionals worldwide. From single-note carrier oils and essential oils to expertly crafted custom blends, we offer a comprehensive range of products to cater to your clients' diverse needs. Experience the natural healing power of our premium oils, and elevate your massage practice to new heights.
With a slightly milder, sweeter aroma than peppermint, spearmint can be a wonderfully invigorating, "pick me up" oil. Spearmint oil increases alertness, opens up the respiratory system, and lifts the spirit. Like lavender, however, it can also be used sparingly at bedtime to bring about a sense of calm and relaxation. Use spearmint in soaps and facial toners. It is better suited for children than peppermint and is good for upset tummies, nausea, and fever. Spearmint blends well with lavender, jasmine, bergamot, orange, and sandalwood.