Prenatal Massage 12 CE Hours
Digital Content
The course or treatment plan is delivered entirely online. After purchasing, you will receive an email with a link to the course(s) or treatment plan materials, along with a username and password to access all content. Emails are typically sent the next business day, but please allow up to 72 hours to account for weekends.
Please note: This is not an instant download.
NCBTMB Approved 12 continuing education hours. PLEASE NOTE: This course is available for online credit only.
This NCBTMB Approved 12 hour continuing education course was designed to instruct the massage therapist in pre natal massage. The course includes benefits, contraindications and an informed consent release form for the pregnant client. You will be guided through proper use of the prenatal massage wedge in the supine and the side lying positions. The prenatal massage protocol allows the massage therapist the freedom to choose which client body positions should be used to insure the optimal prenatal massage experience for your client. The protocol can be utilized with all women in all stages of their pregnancy including post partum massage. This will allow the massage therapist the freedom to capture the entire prenatal and post natal massage market.